If you post a review of recommended information, you will get a luxurious prize by lottery![Next deadline]2025January 4(Sun) For Yokohama area Retort Gourmet Set (Neapolitan sauce, beef curry, chicken curry) HOTEL NEW GRAND Apply Chinese tea / tea set (equivalent to 5,000 yen) MONKEY-MAGIC TEAHOUSE (GOKU-CHASO) Apply Chinese steamed bun gift (equivalent to 3,000 yen) Edosei Main Store / Main Street Store Apply Contains 6 panda buns (equivalent to 3,000 yen) Rouishin Apply Kiyoken restaurant / store common gift certificate (3,000 yen) Kiyoken Main Store Apply Minatomirai Tokyu Square meal/shopping ticket (3,000 yen worth) Minato Mirai Tokyu Square Apply Colorful Canvas Tote 3 ROU Apply Lace tote & mini towel handkerchief set Chikazawa Lace Apply Original cloth bag mini MOTOMACHI union Apply YCAT original eco bag Airport Limousine Bus / Highway Bus Terminal / YCAT Apply Kitamura Keitsu CITY TOTE DENIM Yokohama Goods 001 Apply Yokohama Nigiwai Yose Pair Ticket Yokohama Nigiwai-za Apply YOKOHAMA AIR CABIN one-way ticket + Ferris wheel "Cosmo Clock 21" pair ticket (worth 3,000 yen) YOKOHAMA AIR CABIN Apply Rent-a-car coupon (equivalent to 5,000 yen) Toyota Rent a Car Kanagawa Yokohama Station Central West Exit ApplySelect the shop you want to post reviews and post your impressions and memories! You can apply for multiple gifts. Please uncheck the above gifts that you do not want. There is no limit to the number of reviews. (One post is a bite) We look forward to your wonderful reviews! Photos that may identify individuals may not be published even if posted.note that. Word-of-mouth posting, gift application form ●Please be assured that personal information (input fields with a gray background) will not be disclosed. ●* Please be sure to fill in the fields marked with, as they are required items. ●Please check if the facility name is correct. *If you make a mistake, please post a review from the desired facility page again. Items related to posters Name (anonymous) * Sex Male Female Please email us. * E-mail address (confirmation) * Items related to spots Name of facility * ↓ Please select a spotEnding Salon Motomachi Ceremony Funayama HakuzenshaRA art GalleryArai Kitchen Accessories ShopFortune Telling Spiritual Salon ANO NOAEnokitei Main StoreMBT Walking Shop Yokohama Motomachi StoreMIHAMA Original women's shoesKamakura Carving Studio Yokohama MotomachiKitamura Motomachi 3-chome store/ Motomachi Men's ShopKITAMURA HEAD STORECOMMON TIME Yokohama Motomachi (CHARMY Watch House)SHIMAMINE Motomachi ShopSILVER OHNOSTAR JEWELRY CAFE & ChocolatierStar Jewelry Motomachi Main StoreSeven Sisters Yokohama MotomachiTakaradaDaniel motomachiChikazawa LaceCHARMYAKAI-KUTSU Boutique specializing in imported European health shoesPaom MotomachiHANDA Watch World Yokohama Motomachi StoreFUKUZŌCuisine Française MUTEKIROPompadour Motomachi Main StoreHonma Ruriko Tax Accountant / FP OfficeMAGICAL RELEASE Yokohama MotomachiMizutaniMutekiro Motomachi French Confectionery ShopMOTOMACHI ROCOCO Motomachi ShopMOTOMACHI unionYamate JubankanYamate MuseumYokohama Motomachi The PoppyYOSHIDA La Belle Vie Motomachi storeLiberté Mode MotomachiLadies Sumino Main StoreIchirakuIwai Sesame OilEdosei Main Store / Main Street StoreKaseiro ShinkanKaseiro Shinkan BaitenKaseirō HontenCanton HantenMONKEY-MAGIC TEAHOUSE (GOKU-CHASO)SanwarouShi-Go-Roku Saikan ShinkanShi-Go-Roku Saikan BekkanShi-Go-Roku SaikanShigoro YumchakanChungking Dim Sum House SarouChungking Chinese Szechwan Restaurant ShinkanChungking Chinese Szechwan Restaurant HonkanJogenroChinatown KatsuramiyaChinese Restaurant Toho New Building ShopTung Fat Main RestaurantHou-Uranai Yakata China Sqare KanteijyoManchinro Dim Sum RestaurantManchinro Grand RestaurantYOU SINGYokohama WorldYokohama ExpoRose Hotel YokohamaRouishinROUROUROU CafeBarneys New York YokohamaHOTEL NEW GRANDMarine RougeYokohama Canvas Bag Eiichibangai Main StoreYokohama Marine TowerRestaurant EiichibankanIwai Sesame OilThe Westin YokohamaCUPNOODLES MUSEUM (Ando Momofuku Hatsumei Kinenkan Yokohama)Kamakura Beniya Kurumicco FactoryQueen's Square YokohamaCROSS GATEColette MareTraditional Yokohama Scarf MarcaToyota Rent a Car Kanagawa Yokohama Minatomirai StoreToyota Rent a Car Kanagawa Yokohama Landmark Tower StoreNew Otani Inn Yokohama PremiumPACIFICO YokohamaHEATH. Main storeHilton YokohamaMARK IS MinatomiraiMARINE & WALK YOKOHAMAMitsui Garden Hotel Yokohama Minatomirai PremierMinato Mirai Tokyu SquareYokohama Royal Park HotelYOKOHAMA AIR CABINYokohama Caramel LaboYokohama Cosmo WorldYokohama Tachibanatei Yokohama Red Brick WarehouseYokohama Museum of ArtYokohama Bay Hotel TokyuYokohama Minato Mirai Manyo ClubYokohama Minatomirai HallYokohama Landmark TowerYOKOHAMA WORLD PORTERSLandmark PlazaLocal Brand Yokohama World Porters storeCROSS GATEColette MareNew Otani Inn Yokohama PremiumNogeyama ZooYakatabune SuzuyoshiYokohama Nigiwai-zaAraiya Sogo Yokohama storeItalian food "Il Saggio"Iwai Sesame OilKamakura Seaside TableKiyoken Main StoreAirport Limousine Bus / Highway Bus Terminal / YCATChinese Restaurant "Kakyu"Tea Salon "THE ARBORETUM"Toyota Rent a Car Kanagawa Yokohama Station Central West ExitBeer restaurant "Alibaba"Yokohama Bay QuarterYokohama Bay Sheraton Hotel & TowersR&B (Re-Born)Araiya Bankokubashi storeAraiya Main StoreKappo Kabayaki WakanaKatsuretsuan Bashamichi SohontenGrill SCoffee no Daigakuin Lumière de ParisComfort Hotel Yokohama KannaiSun Aloha Minato Mirai Yamashita Park Main StoreShopping center CERTEDaiei Transportation Co., Ltd.Daiwa Roynet Hotel Yokohama KannaiDaiwa Roynet Hotel Yokohama ParkHarbor's Moon Main StoreBashamichi JubankanHotel Route Inn Yokohama BashamichiMikiya Lion Dance StudioYokohama Weekly "Y-ROOM"The Osanbashi Yokohama International Passenger TerminalRichmond Hotel Yokohama BashamichiAthletes Chinese Dining YI-CHANGAthlete Natural & SteamCUBIC PLAZA Shin-YokohamaShin-Yokohama Fuji View Hotel Spa & ResidenceShin-Yokohama Prince HotelShin-Yokohama Ramen MuseumDaiwa Roynet Hotel Shin-YokohamaTOYOTA Rent a Car Kanagawa Shin-Yokohama Station StoreHotel Associa Shin-YokohamaYokohama ArenaWishbonKanazawa ZooSankeienYokohama / Hakkeijima Sea ParadiseIKEA KohokuIwai Sesame OilKujuku Shinichi MuseumHotel Metropolitan KawasakiYokohama Goods 001Yokohama Zoo Zoorasia title* Reviews* (GIF, PNG, JPG, JPEG) * Cannot be set * Slandering and hate speech are prohibited. *Please refrain from posting photos in which the face of the poster or a third party can be recognized, or in which other information that can identify an individual is shown. * Reviews will be displayed after the staff approves. Items related to shipping Address* Postal Code - * Automatic address entry by entering zip code -- Prefectures -- Hokkaido Aomori Iwate Miyagi Akita Yamagata Prefecture Fukushima Ibaraki Tochigi Gunma Saitama Chiba Tokyo Kanagawa Prefecture Niigata Toyama Ishikawa Fukui Yamanashi Prefecture Nagano Gifu Shizuoka Prefecture Aichi Mie Shiga Kyoto Osaka Hyogo Nara Wakayama Tottori Shimane Okayama Hiroshima Yamaguchi Tokushima Kagawa Ehime Kochi Fukuoka Saga Nagasaki Kumamoto Oita Miyazaki Kagoshima Okinawa Your name (real name)* Phone* Birth Year 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 (Showa XNUMXst year) 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 (first year of Reiwa) 2020 Winners will be announced when the product is shipped. 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If you post a review of recommended information, you will get a luxurious prize by lottery![Next deadline]
2025January 4